Welcome To Our Club
Ju-Jitsu is suitable all - before joining you will need to join the SHU-HO Ju-jitsu organsiation, which is registered with NAKMAS. This is a simple thing to do and involves completeing a Licence Form and providing a signed version to one of the club instructors. If under 18 years of age the permission of a Guardian, or, Parent is required.

Once a signed licence form is received - students can then receive their first class. A link to the form   is here licence form.

New students are requested to wear loose clothing (e.g. tee-shirt without buttons and tracksuit bottoms) that they will not mind getting damaged. If you have all white GI (Martial Art Uniform) please feel free to wear it, although a white belt must be worn until the student passes their first SHU-HO Renmei grading. Please avoid wearing any body jewellery, including rings/ear rings. 

Please familarise yourself with the Dojo/Club Rules before your first session.

For Costs and other related news please see the Club News page.